Turning Up the Shine: How EbizON’s Magento-Salesforce Integration Gave a Jewellery Business a New Life 




Magento, Salesforce


Magento development, Salesforce integration

Client objective

The client is a leading provider of recycled and pre-owned diamonds and diamond jewellery for the US market. Their aim was to enhance their digital presence by rebuilding their entire website on a more robust and scalable platform, Magento, and integrating it with Salesforce.

They also wanted to streamline their diamond recutting and sorting processes and offer a range of jewellery services to their customers. 


The client is a well-known name in the diamond and jewelry industry, offering a range of recycled and pre-owned diamonds and diamond jewelry. They are committed to sustainability and ethical practices and are known for their high-quality products and services. 


The client faced several challenges, including an outdated website that was not user-friendly, difficulty in managing their inventory, and inefficient diamond recutting and sorting processes.

They also lacked an integrated system for managing their customer relationships and sales processes, resulting in lost business opportunities. 

Facing a Challenge?

What We Did?

We worked closely with the client to understand their business requirements and pain points. We recommended rebuilding their entire website on Magento, a leading e-commerce platform known for its scalability, flexibility, and robust features. We also integrated the website with Salesforce, a CRM platform that streamlined their sales processes and improved their customer relationships. 

To address the diamond recutting and sorting challenges, we developed a custom solution that automated their processes and allowed them to manage their inventory efficiently. We also offered a range of jewellery services, including diamond setting, testing, and appraisals, to help the client cater to the needs of their customers. 


The client’s new website on Magento has improved their online presence and user experience, resulting in increased traffic and sales. The integration with Salesforce has enabled them to manage their customer relationships and sales processes more efficiently, leading to improved customer satisfaction and higher revenue.

The automated diamond recutting and sorting processes have improved their operational efficiency, resulting in cost savings and increased productivity.

The range of jewelry services has helped the client expand their offerings and cater to a broader customer base. Overall, our solutions have helped the client achieve their business goals and grow their business in a competitive market. 

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